Saint Anne Mission is surprisingly easy to find. It is located near US Highway 191 in Klagetoh, Arizona - approximately 24 miles north of Chambers and 14 miles south of Ganado.

Driving Distances
from Gallup, NM - 70 miles
from Holbrook, AZ - 70 miles
from Flagstaff, AZ - 160 miles
from Albuquerque, NM - 210 miles
from Phoenix, AZ (via Payson) - 270 miles
from Las Vegas, NV - 420 miles
from Amarillo, TX - 495 miles
from Los Angeles, CA - 640 miles

From Chambers - Interstate 40
When driving from either the east or the west, take Exit 333 (Chambers) off I-40. Travel north along US 191 for approximately 22-1/2 miles. Along the way you should see signs indicating distances of 12 and 4 miles to Klagetoh.

There is a small gas station / convenience store located in Klagetoh on the east side of Hwy 191. The mission church is visible from the gas station. Approximately 4/10 mile north of the station is the intersecton of Summit Road*. Turn right onto Summit Road and travel another 1/4 mile along the dirt road to the entrance to the mission on the right.

From Ganado - AZ 264
From AZ 264 in Ganado, turn south onto US 191 (Mora's Conoco is on the corner). Travel south along US 191 for approximately 14 miles.

There is a green "Klagetoh" sign directly across the highway from the intersection with Summit Road*. Turn left onto Summit Road and travel another 1/4 mile along the dirt road to the entrance to the mission on the right.

*Be aware: Some GPS devices have Summit Road in Klagetoh labeled as Oakridge Road.

Saint Anne Mission • PO Box 366 • Chambers, Arizona 86502 • 928-652-3264 • 928-652-3236